Inter-organizational relationship of consumer non-governmental organization vs environmental governance: example of energy sector in Latvia


  • Janis Kusis Latvia University of Agriculture
  • Larisa Brokane Latvia University of Agriculture
  • Baiba Miltovica Latvia University of Agriculture


environmental governance, non-governmental organizations, consumer organizations, green products, sustainable development, sustainable consumption


The paper examines the role of consumer non-governmental organizations in environmental governance in Latvia. It argues that in view of the complexity of environmental problems the role of consumer non-governmental organizations promote the interests of protecting consumers from energy inefficient decision, hazardous products or false advertising. They function through inter-organizational relationship as a set of pressures and incentives that motivate business to improve its environmental performance from one side and shaping policy and programs in order to reach needs of the society throgh implementing the environment friendly and economicaly reasonable solutions.

The aim of the paper is to investigate inter-organizational relationship (refered to interchange of views) between consumer non-governmental organization and environmental governance as integrated and harmonised governance. The paper examines the environmental governance aspects reflecting theoretical approach described by Baron Adger D.P., Jordan A., Biermann F., Weston B. The consumer non-governmental organizations role of interrelation meaning is revealed by the Dietz T., Ostrom E., Stern P.C. and Young D.R., Wagner A.

The theory of environmental governance determines the key players influencing environmental outcomes and their objectives, the organizations within which they interact, and the expected results of their relationship. Key to different forms of environmental governance, therefore, are the political and economic relationships that organizations embody, and which shape identities, actions, and outcomes.

The paper describes emerging environmental policy implementation planning, action programming and implementation of specific projects in collaboration with consumer non-governmental organizations since consumer organizations play a central role in sustainable development and environmental government initiatives to promote sustainable consumption.

The research methods of the paper are based on case study research method as a source of theoretical insight that tends to embrace a range of research designs that use governance as an exogenous factor in political environment. Conclusion of the paper states the interrelation meaning between consumer non-governmental organizations and environmental governance in the framework of regulation of public utilities commission.


