Performance management of emploees in public administration of Latvia and opportunities for its improvement


  • Katri Vintisa University of Latvia
  • Agita Kalvina University of Latvia


performance management, human resources, public administration, performance criteria, remuneration


The purpose of this article is to present main results of the research that was carried out in the public sector of Latvia on existing practice of performance management. Changes required in the system and competencies of employees and managers in the public sector as well as suggestions are proposed for its improvement either in Latvia or in other countries with similar history.

Methodology and approach – The research data was gathered using the method of structured individual interviews, as well as electronic online survey. The basic elements of performance management system were examined (e.g. goal setting, performance evaluation, connection with other human resource management process like development and reward) to find out the main deficiencies of existing practice and to formulate suggestions for improvement.

Findings – The research revealed that there are two kinds of drawbacks within the existing system:

  • contextual drawbacks (e.g., performance criteria an rating scale);
  • implementation drawbacks (proficiency of managers, rating inflation).

Practical implications – The results and main findings of the research will be taken as a basis for performance management system improvement project, planned to be implemented during 2011.

Originality/value -- The research and the following project represent a unique scientific and practical activity within public administration of Latvia. It is highly important to the enhancement of efficiency and effectiveness of Latvian public administration and its management.


