Determination of the transit potential of Latvia in the trade between Turkey and the EU


  • Erika Pancenko Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration
  • Danute Jasjko Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration
  • Tatiana Ivanova Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration


Transit has been and remains a priority sector of the economy of Latvia, since the majority of goods transported by rail, road and sea transport - it is a transit cargo. Given the level of trade with Turkey is traditionally oriented towards the Western European market and more than half of its foreign trade turnover accounted for the EU Member States, further development of the Latvian transit sector, as well as economic and partnership relations between Latvia and Turkey would contribute to an increase in turnover through Latvia. To determine the transit potential of Latvia in the trade between Turkey and the EU is the purpose of this study. To achieve this goal in the planned analysis of the foreign relations of Turkey with the EU, to identify the most important direction of trade between Turkey and the EU countries in terms of possible transit through Latvia and consider potential prospects of transit development in Latvia.


