Vol. 9 (2015): Journal of Business Management

A portfolio of the 9th issue of The Journal of Business Management consists of papers presented at an online scientific conference “Business Psychology – Gateway to Sustainable and Successful Business” as well as papers submitted in the first half of 2015. Accordingly, the new issue is divided into two sections: business psychology (six papers) and management (five papers).

Business psychology is one of the cornerstones of successful and sustainable business. Understanding of the science of human behaviour coupled with experience and knowledge of management and working environment ensures effective and sustainable performance for both individuals and organisations.

The online scientific conference “Business Psychology – Gateway to Sustainable and Successful Business” brought together junior and senior researchers to discuss their academic interests and applied business cases in an innovative way.

Topics covered in the selected papers include: organisational culture and climate, occupational stress, professional deformation and burnout, leadership, innovations, and idea management, amongst others.

The papers devoted to management problems cover such issues as acquisition of firms, system of innovation management, idea management, etc. underpinning their theoretical and practical significance.

Every paper went through the double-blind peer review process. Eleven papers were shortlisted as a result.

Head of the Editorial Board,
Professor Dr. Vulfs Kozlinskis

Member of the scientific virtual conference
“Business Psychology - Gateway to Sustainable
and Successful Business” organising committee
Dr.Maija Zakrizevska

Published: 11.01.2023